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Showing posts with the label Website Competitive Analysis Tools

Competitive Analysis Top 5 Free Tools

1.  Web CEO – While this program is the free version of a larger suite, it offers more than enough power for smaller websites to gather the information they need to move to the top. WebCEO includes tools to help with analysis of what competitors are doing online and provides a very powerful search ranking and website visibility engine. It also allows companies to track their site’s backlinks, and gives a To Do list for improving a business’ web presence. 2.  SEOToolset – Offers a number of programs to help with optimizing web pages and tracking the SEO activities of competitors. It has a toolbar that teaches marketers how to understand web statistics, a search engine optimization tool, a server response checker (to check a site’s availability and host reliability), a page analyzer that provides the ability to find the search terms and keywords used on competitors’ websites, and other competitor ranking tools. 3. – Gives business owners several easy and helpful free

Website Competitive Analysis Tools

I usually ignore competition. Watching the other guy can be a distraction. It takes your focus off important things like doing your best work for the customers in front of you. But competitor websites have data, and looking at this data can quickly give you ideas for your own web marketing. Of course, we can’t see their Analytics, but there are other ways to get competitive insights. Here are nine  free competitive analysis tools  that you can use to see what the competition (or at least similar websites) are up to… Search Engine Performance What phrases are they ranking for? How high are they ranking? Without using a tool, the only way to find this information would be to search for every conceivable keyphrase. 1. 2. 3.  Searchmetrics Essentials How and What : Enter a site to see rankings for top phrases and AdWords advertising budgets. Once you see what phrases they’re ranking for (and bidding on), it may give you ideas on new phrases