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Free SEO Tools

So here's some of the free tools/sites I use:

Ping Device -> -> I use this to help index my backlinks, I have no clue if it works but it's fast and free so I always use it.

Browsershots -> -> Used for testing browswers but makes you're google analytics look like you recieved 150 visitors that day.

OnlyWire -> -> Free account allows you 300 submissions per month, takes awhile to set up but once it's done really saves you time. Basically you add all your social media & web 2.0 accounts here, this allows you to post to 46 accounts all at the same time, really great tool and FREE.

Flickr Creative Commons -> by using this link you're legally allowed to use the images on your sites as long as somewhere you give props to the photographer, I simply save the image, post it to my site and then put a copyright under the image with the users Flickr id. Exampel ©UserName. By the way to write the copyright symbol hold down the "ALT" key and type 0169.

iBackLinkPro - - iBackLink Pro gives you 100 results per day, I use this review competitor backlinks, I'll find the sites they are posting on and also get backlinks there, I especially use this if someone is ranking higher than me.

aherfs - - same as iBackLinkPro but 500 results per day very useful tool.

MajesticSeo - - I use this to review my backlinks and competitor backlinks, you have to sign up for a free account, but it's got some good information.

Google Adwords - - I find good adword vouchers in PC magazines and use them to advertise for free. Usually get £50 per voucher

Google Keywords Tool - - Great to research Keywords, find out how valueable niches are.

Google Trends - - I sometimes use this to find out whats popular maninly for inspiration when looking for new sites to setup.

Google Alerts - - Not engough people use this tool, it's great to track most recent information in your Niche, for example Id set up an email alert everyday to tell me the most recent information on "MY NICHE" which will inspire you to write not only good but the most relevant fresh content. You can also use this to see who's talking about your site, just type in your company or site name e.g. "Joes Pet Shop" and find out when someone talks about your site.

Google Insights - - Log in and type in your niches keyword to find out the popularity overtime.

Google Analytics - - used for many different stats, I mainly use to see who's coming to my site and where my traffic comes from.

Google Webmaster tools - - used to set up sitemaps, some say this helps index your new sites faster, also good to track errors etc.

YouTube - - I use this alot to see what others are doing in my niche, also great for video tutorials if you're looking for help with that new software you've been using.

SEOMOZ - - I go to this site every Friday to watch a video called White Board Friday, it's only about 10 minutes long but really keeps me up to date with what's going on and inspires me to try out new ideas.


UberSuggest - to get tons of tags and broad keywords about my niche
great tool to see what users are searching. (thanks to DanTe 0101)

semrush - - useful as well even though the free searches are quite limited. Easy way to find competitors longtail keywords and estimated organic traffic. Also good for evaluating cpc in a niche before getting started in it just by querying the main authority site (Thanks to golface72)

KeywordSpy - - (Thanks to baxx)

BacklinkWatch - - shows you how many backlinks a url has (thanks to zebrahat)


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